Research Article

Philosophical Review of Privacy and Identity in Modern Technology and Marketing

Jitae Kim 1, Jongmin Kim 2 *
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1 Korea International School; Seongnam 13453, South Kore2 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Seoul; Seoul 02504, Korea* Corresponding Author
International Journal of Business Studies and Innovation, 4(4), 2024, 1-7,
Published: 31 October 2024
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Technological advancements necessitate the philosophical understanding of privacy and identity more than ever. The intricate relationships between privacy, identity, and technologies must be considered vital to raise user interests by enhancing privacy protection. Recent technologies such as AI, blockchain, and augmented/virtual reality have opportunities and challenges in protecting user privacy and identity. In philosophy, privacy is thought to reflect an individual's control of personal information and personal identity. Privacy makes people selectively disclose information with a multifaceted concept. Philosophical perspectives on identity are individualistic. The aspects of identity are shared with others and decided on the concept of privacy as identity is defined by what is shared by a person. In the technology era, digital privacy and digital identity have emerged for protecting personal information, online behavior, and interactions. As artificial intelligence algorithms are widely used, the protection of digital privacy and identity is critical. Thus, technologies need to be developed to improve the interests, autonomy, and rights of users by considering the philosophical concepts of privacy and identity. The user perception and preference for Apple’s products are apparent evidence of the importance of privacy and identity policy, which considerably affects the market position of its products. To improve digital privacy and identity, multifaceted strategies are required. Strong authentication methods need to be developed, and educating users and businesses is demanded. Ethical practices, self-sovereign identity, and the application of regulations must be integrated by combining technology, education, and ethical considerations for better protection of digital privacy and identity and the increase in the marketing performance of technologies and related products.


Kim, J., & Kim, J. (2024). Philosophical Review of Privacy and Identity in Modern Technology and Marketing. International Journal of Business Studies and Innovation, 4(4), 1-7.


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